Saturday, March 20, 2021

Is Jogging the most effective out of all the approaches to loose fat

 Most people think jogging is the best for loosing weight and belly fat. Whenever someone needs to lose weight the most common advice is for them to eat less and up the cardio. And jogging has been one of the most popular forms of cardio for the longest time.

But is jogging really an effective method to get you to lose weight and look ripped? The answer to that is yes it can help you lose weight and it can help you burn some body fat and get more defined.
However the real question should be - " Is Jogging the most effective out of all the approaches to loose fat." And the answer to that is no.

What  jogging is going to do for you-  
It  helps you burn off a few extra calories. These few extra calories can lead you to a greater overall calorie deficit which will end up causing you to burn some extra body fat.

But what if we lifted weights instead of jogging-
Jogging burns about 400 to 500 calories per hour. Lifting weights burns about 200 to 250 calories per hour. But, weight training helps you to burn calories even after you are not lifting the after burn effect of weight training even when you are resting, thereby increasing over all burn of calories.

If you are not very fond of Jogging try any one of these, they will burn much more calories in same time duration- Sprint Intervals, Swimming, Skipping, Rowing, Burpees, Dancing, Playing any sports.

Akhilesh Mittal

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